European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Global Conference on Fratelli Tutti

Kindly click on

to read the programme in english on of the Global Conference on Fratelli Tutti in which Jean-Paul SCHMITZ of EN-RE member FHEDLES is one of the organisers.

The Conference started yesterday is continuing today and will close on Saturday 21st August.

We apologise for this late announcement.

Museum of Memory & Human Rights of Santiago de Chile

Sra. Maria Luisa Sepulveda Edwards, President of the Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos (Museum of Memory and Human Rights) of Santiago de Chile, presented this power point (in Spanish) in grassroots community of Santo Tomás de Aquino on 10th October 2018.

The museum explains to Chilean citizens the violations of Human Rights that occurred during the dictatorship (1973-1990) which started with the coup d’etat of Pinochet against Allende. The museum is an example of what we must build in Spain to explain the historical memory of the Franco regime.

The museum is also an invitation to the citizens of the world against those who call us to forget in favour of a false reconciliation:

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Nuestros valores están en peligro: Reclamemos una Europa acogedora

Reclamemos una Europa acogedora es una Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea oficialmente registrada en la Unión Europea que afirma que “dado que nuestros gobiernos tienen dificultades para gestionar la inmigración, nosotros, ciudadanos europeos, estudiantes, voluntarios, familias, sindicatos y comunidades de fe de todos los ámbitos, nos hemos movilizado para dar nuestro apoyo.

Pero nuestro derecho a ayudar está siendo criminalizado

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