European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

EN-RE's support for a Council of Women and Men

Further to the articles on our website in different languages about the Conference of French-speaking Baptised Persons (CCBF) requesting Pope Francis to approve a Council of God's People with an equal number of women and men participants, you can now sign the Petition directly on our website via the link for English (EN), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), Italian (IT) and French (FR) once you have made the connection.

Aunque la petición originó en la Conferencia de bautizadxs francófonxs se busca obtener 10.000 apoyos para presentar la petición al papa.  Se ha conseguido solamente el 21% al 18 de noviembre de 2018 con la firma de casi 1.800 franceses pero solo 2 de España, 2 de Irlanda, 2 del Reino Unido, 1 de Austria.  Yo lo he firmado pero ¿por qué no tu? Todos beneficiaríamos con un concilio con igual número de mujeres que hombres.  Parece una quimera, una justa de molinos al estilo de Don Quijote pero hay que conseguir llegar a las 10.000 firmas!  Vamos, manos a la obra!

Although this campaign initiated in the French-speaking Conference of Baptised Persons, EN-RE’s member group Partenia 2000 and Jean Garnier, personally, are committed to the success of this petition but although nearly 1,800 French people have signed other nationalities are not pulling their weight in Spain (2 signatories), Ireland 2, UK 2, Austria 1. I have signed but why haven’t you? We would all benefit with a council with an equal number of women participants as men. It sounds like a pipe dream but we have to achieve these 10,000 signatures! Come on, let’s get cracking!


Nuestros valores están en peligro: Reclamemos una Europa acogedora

Reclamemos una Europa acogedora es una Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea oficialmente registrada en la Unión Europea que afirma que “dado que nuestros gobiernos tienen dificultades para gestionar la inmigración, nosotros, ciudadanos europeos, estudiantes, voluntarios, familias, sindicatos y comunidades de fe de todos los ámbitos, nos hemos movilizado para dar nuestro apoyo.

Pero nuestro derecho a ayudar está siendo criminalizado

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European Citizens Initiative "We are welcoming Europe"

We are welcoming Europe is a citizens' initiative that is calling for one million signatures from citizens of the European Union and its "goal is to secure 1 million signatures and public support by February 2019 to pass key EU migration reform priorities as part of the 2019 European elections.  The demands focus on community sponsorships, decriminalising service-provision and defending victims of labour exploitation and human rights abuses".

There are "Let's help" campaigns in 14 European countries but the following countries are not yet involved in the campaign:  Spain, Portugal, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Switzerland.

EN-RE wants to become a partner supporting this campaign and members should belong to or start "Let's help" groups in our own countries such as, for me, Spain, so please click on   and sign the appeal.

Hugo Castelli Eyre, Madrid, Spain



Diakonie Deutschland & CCME joint declaration on Immigrants in Chios

Click here to read the joint declaration of Diakonie Deutschland and the Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe CCME

GT transversal sur la pauvreté de la Conférence d'OING

Miguel Cabral, vice-président de la Commission de droits humains de la Conférence d'OING coordine le groupe de travail transversal sur la pauvreté.

Cliquez sur Power Point (uniquement en anglais) pour les règles de base du GT

Cliquez sur Pauvreté pour le contenu du groupe de travail, c'est à dire: Pauvreté: inégalités et jouissance des droits.

Dans son courriel du 17 octobre, Miguel a envoyé les deux pièces jointes ci-dessus et a écrit:

Traduit avec
Chers membres du Groupe de travail transversal sur la pauvreté,

C'est aujourd'hui la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la pauvreté, proclamée par les Nations Unies en 1992. Pour marquer cette journée, il y a eu ce matin à Strasbourg une manifestation sur le droit au logement, l'article 31 de la Charte sociale, sous le thème "Le droit à un logement décent pour tous". Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement les membres du Groupe de travail qui ont rendu cet événement possible.

Aussi, j'ai pensé que ce serait un grand moment symbolique pour reprendre ce groupe de travail. En raison d'un mélange de problèmes personnels et professionnels, je n'ai pas été en mesure de suivre le calendrier que nous avions défini précédemment. J'en suis vraiment désolé et j'espère me rattraper auprès de vous tous au cours des prochains mois.

Comme vous vous en souvenez peut-être, nous avons quitté notre dernière réunion avec un champ d'action défini (ci-joint, même si nous pouvons encore apporter des changements à la lumière des discussions initiales des sous-groupes), un ensemble de règles de base à suivre au sein du groupe de travail (également joint) et les prochaines étapes pour notre groupe de travail.

En adaptant notre calendrier initial, nous avons les étapes suivantes à suivre :

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INGO ConferenceTransversal Working Group on Poverty

Miguel Cabral, Vice-President of the Human Rights Committee of the Conference of INGOs is also the coordinator of the Transversal working group on Poverty.

Click on Power Point for the ground rules for the working group in June 2018

Click on Poverty for the content of the working group, namely, Poverty: inequalities and enjoyment of rights

In his email of 17th October, Miguel sent the above two attachments and wrote:

Dear members of the Transversal Working Group on Poverty,

Today is the International day for the Eradication of Poverty, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1992. To mark this day, there was an event this morning in Strasbourg to address the Right to Housing, article 31 of the Social Charter, under the theme “The right to decent housing for all”. I would like to thank very much the people of the Working Group that made the event possible.

Also, I figured this would be a great symbolic moment to pick up this Working Group. Due to a mix of personal and professional problems, I was unable to follow the timeline we had previously defined. I am very sorry for that and I hope to make it up to you all in the next months.

As you might remember, we left our last meeting with a defined scope of action (attached, even though we can still make changes in light of the initial discussions of the sub-groups), a set of ground-rules to follow within the Working Group (also attached) and the next steps for our Working Group.

Adapting our initial timeline we have the following steps ahead:
Until the 18th of November:

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Presentation of the book First Global Forum of the People of God

Click to read the first 20 pages


Format : Grand Format (170x240)

Number of pages : 224

Date de publication : 09/10/2018

ISBN : 9782414174065

Paper Book

19,50 €

Digital Book : format Pdf

1,99 €


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his book reports on the rich work of associations, movements and communities of Catholic reformers from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, who delegated their representatives to Rome from the 20th to the 22th of November 2015 in the framework of the Council 50 project, to "manifest their feeling for the good of the Church (Second Vatican Council Lumen Gentium IV, 37)" as requested by Pope Francis. They presented the situation of the Catholic Church and the reform movements in their country and identified the challenges that the world must take up as a priority. From their experiences, they proposed reforms so that the Catholic Church testifies of the Spirit of Jesus and be evangelical inspiration for the way that the world should meet these challenges. 

Biography of François Becker


François Becker, an honorary university professor, a Christian of Catholic faith, is working since his retirement, in international networks of Christian reformers so that the Catholic Church becomes an evangelical inspiration for the world of the 21st century, as well as in several associations in order that Europe, which is more and more pluriconvictionnal, becomes more cohesive by promoting active European citizenship and by effectively implementing Human Rights and the European Social Charter. After having represented the INGO European Network Church on the Move at the Council of Europe, he was commissioned by an international collective of associations of Catholic Reformers to animate the Council 50 project and to organize in this framework the First Global Forum of the People of God.


Presentation du livre Premier Forum Mondial du Peuple de Dieu Concile 50

Format : Grand Format (170x240) Nombre de pages : 242

Date de publication : 19/06/2018 ISBN : 9782414164431

Livre papier

21,00 €

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Livre numérique : format Pdf

1,99 €

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Ce livre rend compte de la richesse des travaux d’associations, mouvements et communautés de catholiques réformateurs d’Afrique, des Amériques, d’Asie et d’Europe, qui ont délégué leurs représentants à Rome du 20 au 22 novembre 2015, dans le cadre du projet Concile 50, pour « manifester leur sentiment en ce qui concerne le bien de l’Église », (Concile Vatican II Lumen Gentium IV, 37), comme le demande le Pape François. Ils ont présenté la situation de l’Église catholique et des mouvements réformateurs dans leur pays et identifié les défis que le monde doit relever en priorité. À partir de leurs expériences, ils ont proposé des réformes pour que l’Église catholique témoigne de l’Esprit de Jésus et soit source d’inspiration évangélique dans les réponses que le monde doit donner à ces défis.

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EN-RE IMWAC Joint Press Release: Paul VI Canonization an Error

Click on EN-RE IMWAC Joint Press Release:  The Canonization of Pope Paul VI is an error for the Church.  His pontificate must be evaluated by History.